Redefining Manifestation
In recent years, the term “manifestation” has come to be defined in a very narrow and limited sense. When people think or talk or teach about manifestation these days, it always seems more than often than not, to be in relation to material things. It seems to be about acquiring possessions like a new car…

The Crazy Ones
The gifts of Genius are not restricted to a handful of privileged individuals. Everyone is a potential genius and everyone has the power and the ability to excel. You too can create your own legacy and design your own destiny. Sign up to watch this free 3 part video series: How to Activate Your Genius Potential.…

White Butterfly – The Journey of the Soul
The white butterfly is a powerful symbol and metaphor for transformation and rebirth. In Ancient Greek, the word ‘psyche’ (or Psykhe) meant “the soul” and it was also the word for “butterfly”. The journey of the caterpillar is often compared to the Journey of the Soul as it moves through various cycles before it emerges…

A Secret & Surprising Manifestation Tool
When people think about manifestation or the law of attraction, they often think about visualising or having a positive mental attitude. Manifestation experts do not usually recommend that we focus on negative memories or events because they teach that like attracts like and say that to focus on the negative will bring in more of…

How do you solve a problem like VOCATION?
It’s an evergreen dilemma for creative people who haven’t yet been able to fulfil their dreams: We feel we have to choose between either paying the rent/mortgage by taking on a mundane job or pursuing our creative passions and entrepreneurial dreams. Sometimes it seems to be very much an either/or choice: (a) pay your bills…

Viva Forever
Throughout history, humanity’s fear of death has led to a somewhat fruitless quest for immortality. Unfortunately, human beings want to have it both ways. They want to live forever but they want to stay young and pretty at the same time. Thus the search for immortality has been combined or equated with a quest for…

Me and My Shadow
J.M. Barrie’s left hand man: While researching the theme of Jekyll and Hyde personalities in popular culture, I came across this quote from a lecture by J. M. Barrie, the author of Peter Pan: “M’Connachie, I should explain…is the name I give to the unruly half of myself…he prefers to fly around on one wing.…

Are you afraid of your own shadow?
The Shadow in Psychology: Carl Jung, one of the pioneers of psychology, stated that the “shadow” is the part of our psyche that we don’t want to acknowledge. More than ignoring this part of the mind, we may actively reject it, fear it or deny that it is even there. In fact, we often project…

Website Relaunch
This website is currently in the process of being reconstructed, revamped and revitalised. I hope to have things up and running again within the next two weeks. Thank you for your patience.
Can Manifestation Psychology help you?
You may be bored, frustrated, trapped in a mundane job and wondering: Is this it? Maybe you are a graduate who is overqualified and underpaid. Maybe you are a closet artist. Perhaps you have ambitions to start your own business. But you lack the time, the energy, the economic resources and thus the motivation to…
The Mindset for Successful Manifestation
“I Want” It may seem obvious. But many of us are vague when it comes to setting intentions and goals or lack clarity about what it is that we want. It’s important to be clear about what you want and why you want it. This keeps you focused. Desire is one of the strongest motivators…
Stuck in a Rut?
Are you feeling underappreciated, underutilised, bored, fed up, overworked, overwhelmed, burnt out, mentally scattered, taken for granted, patronised, bullied, stressed, manipulated or scared of what the future may hold? Maybe you are just living with a background feeling of anxiety, dread or a general feeling of malaise. Visit this new blog for forthcoming articles, tips…