
Redefining Manifestation

In recent years, the term “manifestation” has come to be defined in a very narrow and limited sense.

When people think or talk or teach about manifestation these days, it always seems more than often than not, to be in relation to material things. It seems to be about acquiring possessions like a new car or a new house and it usually refers to something that’s outside of yourself.

However there is a level of manifestation which is NOT about acquiring material possessions.

This kind of manifestation relates to creativity – the transformation or translation of an invisible idea into some kind of physical, tangible form.

Manifestation, in this context, is about creating something unique that comes from inside of you, something that didn’t exist in the outer world before, whether that be the creation of a new book, your own business, a spiritual path, a painting, a transformed lifestyle and so on.

In this sense, manifestation is about being the creator or co-creator of something new rather than being a consumer of something that already exists and that ultimately doesn’t really bring you any lasting sense of satisfaction.

So although I do discuss visualisation and planning and how your beliefs create your experiences and a lot of the things that other teachers of manifestation talk about in my writing, I do explore these things with a different end in mind.

This process is more about using your gifts, skills, talents and qualities to give birth to something that is purposeful to you and others but something that will excite you at the same time.

Sam Punch is the author of Manifestation Psychology.