Can Manifestation Psychology help you?

You may be bored, frustrated, trapped in a mundane job and wondering: Is this it?

Maybe you are a graduate who is overqualified and underpaid. Maybe you are a closet artist. Perhaps you have ambitions to start your own business.

But you lack the time, the energy, the economic resources and thus the motivation to pursue what your heart really desires.

Maybe you have had your confidence dented by knockbacks, negative feedback, rejection, criticism, heartache and have temporarily bolted the door that leads to your true ambitions.

On the other hand, you may be one of life’s “successes”. You have what many people think of as the dream job. You may be earning a six or seven figure salary. You may have attained amazing academic credentials. But yet you feel unfulfilled. You’ve done what everybody told you that you should do. But you never really gave a thought about what you really wanted to do.

If you hate your job, you usually hate your life.

But maybe you don’t even have a job. Maybe you are unable to find work in your area of expertise.

The techniques of Manifestation Psychology may help you if:

  • You are a bored, frustrated, creative or entrepreneurial individual trapped in a mediocre (for you) job and are not fulfilling your true potential
  • You are creatively or artistically gifted but lack the confidence to pursue your talents as your livelihood, as a part-time venture or even just as a hobby.
  • You have retired from work but you don’t want to retire from life! You want to continue using your skills or start learning new ones. You may want to use your life experience and knowledge to help other people but don’t know where or how to begin.
  • You have achieved success in the eyes of the world – maybe academically or professionally or in terms of wealth – but you are feeling empty and unfulfilled because you have done what you felt you should be doing and not what you really wanted to do. Perhaps you have never really known what you really wanted to do or be.

The tools of Manifestation Psychology can help you to discover what you want to do and who you want to be, if you don’t yet already know. It will help you to dream bolder, bigger and better than ever before whilst still keeping your dreams grounded in objective reality.

Through using the practices of manifestation psychology, you can conceive a vision, create an actionable flexible plan, implement your goals, dreams and ambitions  and manifest authentic success, abundance and fulfilment.

You will wake up in the morning looking forward to the day ahead. You will enjoy the journey towards your goal as much as the ultimate destination. 

You can even transform what you thought of as your failures into stepping stones towards your inevitable success.

We all have it within us to attract abundance and prosperity using our innate skills and talents. Everyone is in possession of an inner genius and manifestation psychology can help us to tap into that inner genius to bring about our dreams, goals and ambitions for the highest good of everybody concerned.

Sam Punch is the author of Manifestation Psychology, available at, and other online bookstores.